We Get a Teen

Happy Friday, Spirits readers! Last time, Wynan focused on Guinness the turtle and his megaphone. Brandy continued to love playing frisbee and tidying up. Jameson kept up with his trend of choosing dessert for breakfast. And Bailey continued to grind my gears by just never coming home after school. I’m sure in this chapter they’ll do similar things befitting the pixels idiots that we’ve come to know and love.

Screenshot-1198We’ll start out on this picture of everyone readying for their morning destinations. Including a raccoon on the left of their yard.

Wynan’s the only one who bothers to use an umbrella. He’s heading off to return that stereo that he was fixing from last chapter.

Screenshot-1201Brandy hops in her carpool and shoots a side-eye over at the driver. Can’t say I blame her. If my coworker showed up in a witch hat and track suit to take us to the office, I’d probably be a little taken aback too.

Screenshot-1200Bailey and Jameson both climb aboard the bus and begin their ride to school with dead eyes.

Screenshot-1199And the raccoon just continues to stand and think about what a mother effing badass he is.

Screenshot-1202Wynan arrives at the house to turn in his stereo…and the person who he has to return it to is this little girl, skipping school to get her beats back. I’m a little dubious, but then she pulls out $600 cash as a reward and I decide we’re not really encouraging a life of truancy, just giving her the joy of music back in her life and we skedaddle before I can change my mind.

Screenshot-1204We swing by the elixir shop to nab a butterfly. Wynan spies the snake and is sure he needs that too.

Screenshot-1206He gets bit for his troubles. Snake does not want to come and be a friend for Guinness.

Screenshot-1207We go off collecting around town, but something catches his eye.

Screenshot-1208What could be causing this amount of deep thought in Wynan. It almost looks painful how hard he’s concentrating.

Screenshot-1210Wynan: “Didn’t wanna make the wrong decision on which ice cream to get. I went with a sprinkle cone. I chose wisely.”

Screenshot-1211After school, Jameson goes home with someone from his class. She heads in. He’d love to follow but this cat won’t budge. There’s a long stare down, which ends with Bella (the cat) “marking” Jameson. Poor Jamie.

Screenshot-1212Bailey does head home after school today…and straight to bed. *sigh*

Brandy: “Hm. Shower’s broken.”

Yeah, cuz you broke it.

Screenshot-1214Wynan’s still busy at “work”.. he’ll have to fix the shower later.

Screenshot-1216Jamie: “Hear ye, hear ye.. I, King Jamie, do decree that I am the supreme ruler of this double-wide for such time as I am here.”
Ginger Classmate*: “Sorry my cat peed on you, Jamie.”

*Yes, I remember the name of the pet and not the actual sim. Jamie’s relationship with Bella ended up being higher than with his classmate despite the cat marking him. Plus.. fluffy widdle grey kitty… *wub*

Screenshot-1217Speaking of pets, my idiots appear to be taking decent care of theirs as well. Brandy’s scrubbing out Guinness’ cage here.

Screenshot-1220Back over at the double-wide Jamie is visiting, Ginger Classmate tried to get in on the royalty action. Jameson tried to join but apparently there’s only room in the trailer for one ruler.

Screenshot-1221Still, he’s a good sport about it, and bows to her. (Unimportant note, that adult that just arrived appears to be grownup Betty Simovitch. Which would mean that Ginger Classmate is a Newbie, because I always have Betty hookup with Bob Newbie.)

Screenshot-1219Photo of Brandy crushing n00bs, likely taken in honor of her levelling up her Nerd influence.

Screenshot-1223And Wynan outside the bistro because Jameson’s thought bubbles wouldn’t shut up about becoming a business partner, and Wynan had a wish anyway. (But really.. you can see it in the screenie where Jamie’s on the trailer porch with the cat, and then I’ve got like three more shots while he was there playing that all have that thought bubble. Looks like both kids are determined to get their money NOT from a dumpster. LOL)

Screenshot-1227Jameson does finally leave the Newbie trailer, because he’s starving.. and apparently there are three Newbie kids, and all 5 people in the trailer wanted to stand in the tiny trailer kitchen which meant no one could actually USE anything in the kitchen.

Screenshot-1228Wynan: “Oh. Bailey. You’re awake. Did you hear a megaphone in here?” *struggles to keep a straight face*

Screenshot-1229Bailey: “You stink.”

Seriously. Note to self: Remove the stupid megaphone from Wynan’s possession before he becomes non-heir. I don’t want that action to go literally uncontrollable. It’s bad enough now.

Screenshot-1230And then Jamie stopped in the middle of a bridge on the way home. In the dark. In the rain. What are you doing, kidlet?

Jameson: “Happy birthday to ME!”

Oh. Oh honey. I’m sorry. You get all the crappiest birthdays.

Screenshot-1233Jameson: “That’s okay. At least mom can’t set anything on fire this way…I am kinda tired though.”

That does happen as you get older. And point taken about your mom. Still.. I would have at least had you inside out of the rain.

Screenshot-1234Inside where there would be light to check you out.

Screenshot-1236Jamie: “Man, do I look good or what?”

Uh, I guess? I don’t know. I can’t really see you. It’s dark.

Screenshot-1237Jameson: “Whatever.”

Ah, the teen years.

SimNaNo Counts
Update Count: 9 total
Word Count: 900 here, 8268 total (goal met)
Photo Count: 28 here, 245 total (goal met)

5 thoughts on “We Get a Teen

    1. Thanks! I’m rather partial to him as well (though Bailey’s fun to write). And unless his sister gets one of the “idiot” traits at age up, it’s looking like he’ll be our heir.


    1. It was definitely new to me, as I’ve only had Pets since right around the time I started playing the Spirits. Jameson hadn’t even made it inside off the front porch yet before getting marked. LOL

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