Home for a Break

Hey readers! Last week Jameson wrapped up his first term at college (nailing those exams) and I didn’t realize I needed to have him grab Curacao before the game sent him packing back home. Fingers crossed his bird’s still there when I have him head back to finish. For now, we’re home and I’m going to let him have a bit of a break for the winter holiday.

Screenshot-2107-copyHe gets dumped off wayyyy on the edge of town, near absolutely nothing. I get him started on the trek home.

Screenshot-2108-copyAnd checking in with our sims at home, we find they’re managing okay. Wynan’s filling up Moonshine’s dish, which I forgot to do before Jamie left for university.

Screenshot-2109-copyBailey and Brandy are outside by the remaining flamingos, having a standoff.

Screenshot-2110-copyGuinness is taking a little snooze, living his best turtle life.

Screenshot-2111-copyAnd Moonshine… *squee* Moonshine’s just over here being perfectly squish-worthy. I missed you, fluffy little nugget!

Screenshot-2114-copyWynan decides he want to build a snowman.

Screenshot-2112-copyJameson makes it home and immediately plays tug-of-war with the pup. I die of cuteness.

Screenshot-2115-copyAww, look. It’s a groom snowman. If grooms held brooms.

Screenshot-2116-copyMoonshine heads over to check out Guinness, while I let Jamie fill a wish I’d not seen before: find a sim via the Sim finder app. We chose random.

Screenshot-2117-copyAnd here’s who showed up. Katharine High.

Screenshot-2118-copyJameson tries to introduce himself to Katharine, but he can’t because Katharine’s in the way. *face palm*

Meanwhile in the background, Bailey is whining about not being able to kick down that flamingo. The thought bubble inside the igloo is Brandy, her spidey-senses tingling to tell her that someone’s trying to mess with her flamingos.

Screenshot-2120-copyEventually they figured out the introduction, and both immediately went to sit and watch TV. Couch Potatos unite!

Screenshot-2121-copyI checked on Wynan and he’s just out in our yard autonomously brushing the neighbor dog, Smoosh.

Screenshot-2124-copyOur own dog is working on destroying our dining chair. Jameson! Scold your dog! Do you know how much that chair cost?

Jamie: “Uh… nothing? Dad got it out of the dumpster like all the other chairs.”

Well, okay. But for YOU, it would cost to replace. Go be a responsible pet parent.

Screenshot-2125-copyJamie continues his conversation about movies as Wynan comes in.

Wynan: “Hey, TV’s broke. Guess who doesn’t have to fix that anymore! *does a little dance*”

Screenshot-2126-copyJamie finishes discussing movie plot holes with his new friend (yes, friend.. they built relationship just stupidly fast) and goes to scold Moonshine.

Screenshot-2127-copyMoonshine looked so sad that I had to give him some loves to reassure. He thinks his hooman is so strong.

Bailey is still unable to best the flamingos, and her rage is growing. I think the takeaway is that if you’d like to have a grouping of flamingos that are virtually untouchable, set them up in this formation.

Screenshot-2132-copyShe heads in to tell Jameson about her frustrations.

Jamie: “OMG, still with the flamingos? Aren’t you tired of this yet?”
Bailey: “They will get their comeuppance!”
Jamie: “For what? They’re just plastic and didn’t actually DO anything to you.”

Screenshot-2135-copyMoonshine is cute when he plays with his giant squeaky toy!

Screenshot-2136-copyMoonshine is cute when he heads to his giant doggie bed!

Screenshot-2137-copyBrandy is starving, but took time to feed Guinness before her own belly.

Screenshot-2138-copyMoonshine is cute when he’s sleeping in his great big dog bed! (I would apologize for the puppy spam, but it would be a lie. I’m not sorry at all.)

Screenshot-2139-copyBrandy’s cooking up something. It looks like baked beans in the food processor.

Screenshot-2141-copyAh, it’s actually pancakes. I’m happy to report that neither pancakes nor house got burnt this time.

Screenshot-2142-copyJameson invited Asala, his girlfriend from university, for a visit. It lets me know that my guests will arrive the following day at 9. Ughh, that’s forever away. Jamie heads out to kill some time playing for tips at the salon.

Screenshot-2143-copyThe salon patrons are happy to have something to do other than build an army of snowmen.

Screenshot-2145-copyTug of war for Moonshine & Bailey.

Screenshot-2146-copyI don’t know if these snowmen were melting or if they were attacked by someone, but Bailey is freaking out about them.

Screenshot-2149-copyJameson is getting some quality time in with dad, schooling him on a video game.

Screenshot-2150-copyBrandy, who had gone to bed stupid early, hops out of bed to have her birthday alone in the bedroom in terrible lighting while staring at a wall.

Screenshot-2151-copyBailey: “It’s mom’s birthday.”
Jamie: “One more level.”
Bailey: “Yeah, I didn’t care either.”
Wynan: “Wait, what? Are we missing something?”

Screenshot-2152-copyAnd…she grows up into braids. Forget it, I’m leaving them.

2 thoughts on “Home for a Break

  1. Oh my gosh that look on Brandy’s face at the end with the braids….too funny. I love the conversation about the birthday too, “yeah I didn’t care either.” LOL What a fun time home, and I LOVED the puppy spam!

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