Special Delivery

Hey all, I know I said just last time that I’d be getting these out weekly… and then I sprained my wrist, and typing is much much slower. Trying to one-hand type things takes roughly forever, as does everything in real-life which means I’m behind. Already. BUT.. it’s getting better, so fingers crossed I’ll be back on top of it soon. Excuses out of the way, on to the chapter!

Kicking off with a sim check.. and they help me out by all being gathered in the living room. Jameson is building that romance with Anya, Manny is reading a book, and Marty looks to be side-eyeing the gross grownups kissing. LOL

Screenshot-2650Soon though the boys headed off to bed. Manny climbs into his bed and peacefully drifts off.

Screenshot-2651Marty, not so much. He looked for monsters under the bed first and is now clearly traumatized. lol That face. He’s like “I’m not sleeping for the rest of my life.”

Jamie convinced Anya to stay up and work on romance a bit.

Screenshot-2657Locking it down to going steady… Screenshot-2660…and then wasting no time, Jamie pops the big question. Mainly because I just have no more patience to do it in small bits when Anya seems to be rather wishy washy about whether she’ll accept advances.

Screenshot-2666She was accepting right now though. Accepted his proposal…Screenshot-2667
…and also his request to accompany him to bed. *hehe* (Just woohoo though, as she hasn’t wished for more. Hoping to wait for both of them.)

Screenshot-2670I present to you…Moonshine slipping Jameson some tongue. LOL

Screenshot-2671Got a pop-up that Bailey is expecting, so I creeped on her at her house & took this snap to remind me. (Brown floppy-eared dog is hers, little spotted dog came with her partner when he moved in.)

Screenshot-2672And here’s all of our crew out on the lawn because I tried moving the out to the clipboard and then back in in the hopes that it might fix the weird glitch where the game has been sending us a new roommate every morning.

Screenshot-2673While we were out there I noticed we have a llama-riding bunny gnome.

Doing some gardening in the rain. Oddly, he still watered the plants.

Anya, Marty, and Moonshine gather in the living room for some gaming.

Screenshot-2677Manny chooses to play outside in the rain with the neighbor dog, Smoosh. I probably would too. *smooshes Smoosh’s adorable widdle furry face*

Screenshot-2678Suddenly, what do we have at the door? A surprise package delivered by your friendly pudding faced social worker.

Anya: “Um, Jamie? Do you know anything about this?”
Jamie: “Well…I mean… Bailey’s expecting and the boys are just getting so big and I miss having a little one around.”

(aka He was rolling wishes for more kids, but Anya hasn’t popped any kind of family-related wishes at all. No marry, no try for baby, nothing. So since I have to do an adopted kiddo this gen anyway, might as well go here.)

Screenshot-2684Besides, Midori is such a cutie! (I kept all her coloring, though gave myself one shot at rearranging her sliders so she’d not have a total bland face one.)

Screenshot-2686Anya: “She IS cute…but I’mma still kill Jamie for not talking this through.”

A quick peek around at the kids. Manhattan is hanging out with Curacao (the bird already likes Manny more than anyone else in the house.)

Screenshot-2689Martini is totally rocking it at the block table.

Screenshot-2688Anya has set Midori down, so she’s off to see what she can find.

Screenshot-2690Furbaby Moonshine (on the right) has apparently invited over her mother Smoosh from next door, and they’re just generally being floofy and adorable.

Screenshot-2693Just joined the household? That’s no reason to let you rest. Jamie, get to training that baby girl!

The boys move on to new activities – Marty doing homework (good boy!), Manny starting a painting.

Screenshot-2697Jamie: “Wow, one at a time is so much easier than two!!”

Screenshot-2701And then since the Spring Festival was in town, it was time for a new family portrait.

Screenshot-2702Marty couldn’t get to wherever because of a…car? There’s no car here. What are you trying to reach? Go get in the photo booth.

Screenshot-2707Ah, our little family. ❤

Screenshot-2706Moonshine wasn’t allowed in the photo booth (sad face), so here’s a pic of our good fluffy girl on her own.

Screenshot-2708Upon arriving home, the boys corner Anya on the front porch to demand bedtime stories.

Screenshot-2711Seriously, one right after the other in a loop. Anya’s looking at Manny like “Why are you asking ME?”

Screenshot-2713I took pity on her and after Jameson put Midori down, I had him read to one twin so Anya only had to be badgered by the other one. And then look, they got to go to bed too. The whole house (even Moonshine!) sleeping at once…and while it’s dark out!

Screenshot-2714And before I wrap this up, I took a quick jaunt over to check out the new Spirits cousin, Bailey’s baby –  Bud. (I will be aiming for all spare’s kids to be named after beer, and won’t worry about the alcohol thee beyond that.)

Screenshot-2715Bailey immediately dumps Bud on the floor. She’s a natural at this maternal thing.

Bailey: “SP said I had to produce a child. It’s there. I’ve done my part.”

And there I leave you, reader, much like Bud was just left. I’ll add up the points again next time (or whenever I remember), but I think it’s just the ones for a new addition – Midori.

A wild update appears

Well hello! I’m sorry for neglecting my Spirits. I picked them as my focus for this month’s SimNaWriMo challenge on Boolprop.net, so the goal is to get a post out every week this month! And then fingers crossed that I don’t fall off the face of the earth on posting for them again. (I haven’t been totally gone, just distracted with some quick challenges and a Name Game in TS4.)

If you need a brief refresher on our players, we’ve got our sweet ginger Jameson Spirits, our heir. His live-in romantic interest, Anya. His twin boys (from a previous relationship), Manhattan “Manny” and Martini “Marty”. And the pets – turtle Guinness, bird Curacao, and dog Moonshine. Last time we were visited by glitches, moved out parents Wynan & Brandy and spare Bailey, and ended the chapter awash in toddler pee.. but with both boys potty trained.

Screenshot-2562We come in to see Curacao trash talking Anya while she tells him to clean up his act.

Screenshot-2567Ah, the game is still randomly assigning us a roomie. As this one is actually a friend, rather than immediately dismissing her, I have Jamie ask her if she’d like to clean up a bit.

Screenshot-2568Turns out she would not.

Screenshot-2573Yes, those are fleas hopping off of Jameson. There’s too much to be done before showers/baths to de-flea everyone. So he gets to work teaching Marty to walk.

Screenshot-2581Followed quickly by Manny.

Screenshot-2582Totally random shot: the wild horse that Wynan started making friends with likes to roam around by Wynan’s new house.

Screenshot-2588Anya and Curacao’s feud escalates as we witness what appears to be the equivalent of a bird throat-punch.

Screenshot-2590Bless her heart. Mopping away at the puddle that will never end until Jameson has time to fix the busted bathtub.. so probably after the boys are kids.

Screenshot-2591Best place to eat a meal? Back porch, obviously.

Screenshot-2594Best place to practice your electric guitar? Kitchen/dining room, obviously.

Screenshot-2597Martini is first up in getting taught to talk, while Manny jams out on the xylophone. Marty doesn’t quite make it to full, but has to be released or else he’s likely to have an accident. He takes off for the potty immediately.

Screenshot-2599After he’s done, Jameson makes an inexplicable change to his outerwear to teach Manny to talk too. Anya comes along and plops the (not-yet-sleepy) Marty in his crib. Jamie has to pause the teaching to haul Marty out so he can hopefully autonomously skill on the toys while Jameson gets back to teaching Manny.

Screenshot-2601Eventually though, Marty does get tired, and lets it be known.

Manny: “Cwybaby!”

Well.. it was enough to let you master the talking skill, so we’ll let that whole “calling your brother names” thing slide. I have Jameson begin the task of tossing bottles their way to top them up for the night.

Screenshot-2605We got an alert that Bailey was going steady with someone, so I clicked to find where they were. Bailey and a guy who’s name I don’t recall were standing in the tiny dark office over at the junkyard, while Wynan and Brandy creepily stared at them from the other side of the desk. LOL Gonna guess this was Wynan’s suggestion for a double-date location.

Screenshot-2609Both toddlers sleeping on the same schedule.. all is right with the world. (And this is a hard thing to keep up when you can only control one adult.)

Screenshot-2612There’s leftovers in the fridge. Why do you need waffles instead? You better not burn the house down.

Screenshot-2613Well, the house is intact, but those waffles came out Extra Crispy.  Anya ignored them and got herself a plate of leftovers.

Screenshot-2616Then she went to chat up Curacao.

Screenshot-2619Jamie helps Marty wrap up the last bit of talking skill.

Screenshot-2623Manny hangs out with the best doggo, Moonshine, to watch some TV.

Screenshot-2624Marty buffs up his critical thinking skills with the peg box.

Screenshot-2626Moonshine reeeally wants a pool. Anya appears to be considering. We’re not building a pool just because the dog wanted one, no matter how good a good girl she is.

Screenshot-2627Jameson makes a quick run through the tiny garden.

Screenshot-2629Everyone else hangs out inside – Moonshine expresses her displeasure at the human food (dirty dish? nasty waffles?), Manny’s still rotting his brain at the TV and Marty’s on his way to join him, Curacao grooms himself, and Anya cleans Guinness’ tank.

Screenshot-2634But it’s about to get exciting because…birthday time!! Manny’s up first.

Screenshot-2635Here’s a decent pic of him in stylist mode.

Screenshot-2639Martini followed right after.

Screenshot-2643And here’s his handsome face. 🙂

Both boys got a trait and there is no way I remember it. LOL I’ll list them all when they turn YA.

Glitch, please

Last update there were birthdays to be had for Bailey, Moonshine, Manhattan, and Martini. Wynan has his birthday in another day, then the plan is to move the founders out with Bailey.. thus leaving Jameson alone with two toddlers and three pets. LOL Godspeed, Jamie.

Screenshot-2460Moonshine is over here living her best life with the hot dog squeaky toy.

Screenshot-2463The closest these boys get to having their mom tuck them in. At least they appear to sleep easy anyway.

Screenshot-2464Jameson’s sleeping peacefully too.

Screenshot-2465Correction: WAS sleeping peacefully. *sigh* I was hoping Moonshine would grow out of that whole “wake Jamie up all the damn time” phase.

Screenshot-2467And that morning Katharine randomly strolled through the door. There’s no party, we didn’t invite her over. When I clicked, apparently the game assigned her as a roommate.. guess it thinks we need a replacement roomie now that Asala’s gone?

Screenshot-2470I was going to have Jameson “dismiss” her, but she immediately went to one of the starving twins and hefted them out, so we put off the dismiss action for a few more minutes. LOL Grandma Brandy grabbed the other boy, and Jameson was able to do things like grab breakfast of his own.

Cue the adorable synchronize bottle excitement!

Annnnnd.. CRASH. So none of this really happened. *sigh* Take two.

Screenshot-2481This time around a not-fully-rendered (or even fully colored) Jameson grabs Manhattan to feed him.

Screenshot-2484And the game again gave us a random roomie, this time in the form of Old Dude in Overalls. Martini’s not picky though.. he and his oddly choppy mohawk are happy to be freed from the crib and get a bottle.

Screenshot-2488Moonshine’s checking out the weather and it’s adorable.

Screenshot-2489Jamie takes a moment to bring Manny to the potty…Screenshot-2492…and then Marty too. Such a good dad.

Screenshot-2485And then my camera swings to this – Bailey frozen in a walking pose in her bedroom, wearing a cap & gown and surrounded by confetti. But only for a moment because..


*sigh* So none of that happened either. But at least I have a suspicion what’s causing the crash. I hate you, graduation.

Screenshot-2494This go ’round, everyone heads to city hall bright and early, needs be damned. We waited there until the ceremony started and it finally went off smoothly. Bailey was voted Most Likely to Take Over the World and I laughed. Even her classmates know.

Screenshot-2497While we were out, I let them go to the winter festival so I could grab one last family picture with all of them.

Screenshot-2510Awww, look.. Bailey’s even being a good auntie.

Screenshot-2500The boys got dumped in the snow, and so I sent everyone back home.

Screenshot-2507Jameson starts work on the walking skill for Martini while grandpa Wynan plays with Manhattan.

And meanwhile _I_ put together a nice, simple little house for Bailey because I currently have no unoccupied houses in my game and I can’t just kick her out to be homeless.

Screenshot-2517That night, Wynan ages to elder. I didn’t touch his clothes, he chose this delightful undershirt-and-Hawaiian-shirt combo on his own and I thought it suited him so well that I left it.

Screenshot-2519But that did mean it was time to say goodbye, so Bailey, Brandy, and Wynan Spirits moved out. I’m sure I’ll check in from time to time, but they’re completely at the mercy of Story Progression. (And the first thing SP did was have Bailey get a job as a criminal.. lol..)

Screenshot-2523The boys seem to be handling the drastic drop in adults pretty well.

Screenshot-2532Jamie, not as well. LOL So tired…and it’s only the beginning.

Screenshot-2533Moonshine ignores her warm and cozy dog bed in favor of the cold and snowy bench on the porch, proving that pets don’t set off booby-traps.

Screenshot-2534Jameson wakes up long enough to put the boys down for bed…Screenshot-2536…and heads back to bed himself. Why yes I DID move his bed into their room. LOL

Screenshot-2537Not that he gets to sleep long, because Moonshine is awake and therefore it’s time for her to wake Jameson.

Screenshot-2538This morning’s Random Roomie is a chick in a wolf moon tee. I keep dismissing them. No idea why the game keeps giving me roomies.

Screenshot-2543Jameson invites Anya over. That’s right, kiddo. Get your game face on. We need at least one more sim in this house who’s grown enough to sometimes autonomously look after the tots or the animals.

Screenshot-2545After much chatting, Jameson offers up a bribe presents her with a gift to jump the relationship more.

Screenshot-2547Jamie: “Wanna move in?”
Anya: “Sure, why not?”

Screenshot-2549And with a sense of security that he had someone who would help out, Jameson got to work on teaching the twins their skills.

Screenshot-2550Anya: “Ugh, seriously Donnie, she doesn’t live here anymore and you’re married anyway!”
Donnie continues to call the house often. I can only assume he has seen her now that she’s grown and thinks of her as The One That Got Away.

Screenshot-2554And here’s how Anya contributed.. she ignored the filthy bird cage and low-food turtle tank (and, admittedly, a whole host of mess around the rest of the house) and settled in for some gaming. LOL

Screenshot-2557Jameson continues to train the twins. I refuse to take points for untrained toddlers.. they WILL get skills.

Screenshot-2558Yes, I see that unhappy yellow plumbob and you telling me you’re tired.. but you’ve got one twin potty-trained! You can’t let Manny be shown up by his few-minutes-younger brother! Get on with it!

Screenshot-2561Ah, here we go. Both twins trained, as you can see by the massive puddles from the overflowing potties. Anya finally decided to do something helpful and came in to put Marty to bed. Jameson is fully exhausted, but manages to whip up a bottle for Manny. I try my hardest to get him across the room to his bed.. but no dice. He passes out right here in the pee puddle.

-5 points

Seems like a wonderfully ISBI place to call it. LOL

total – point worthy thing (bolded if it happened this chapter)
0 – For every game induced visit from a police officer, firefighter or babysitter -5
-5 – Passing Out -5
-5 – Self-Wetting -5 (toddler too, if potty trained)
0 – Non-Skilled Toddler -5
-15 – Eat Spoiled Food -5
-10 – Set a Fire -5
0 – Skip Work/School -10
0 – Failing School -20
0 – Demotion -20
0 – Social Worker Visit -30
0 – Getting Fired -30
0 – Accidental Death -40
+20 – Every Birth/Adoption +5
+10 – Honor Roll +5 (once per life stage)
+15 – Friends for Idiots +5 (each friend an idiot makes)
+10 – Randomize every LTW & trait +10 (for a generation)
0 – Skilled Heir +10 (each skill the heir maxes)
0 – Successful Heir +20 (heir maxes career)
0 – Hands off the Spares HP +20 (for a generation)
0 – Every 100K simoleans +30
0 – Fulfilling LTW +40 (heir or idiot)
0 – Skilled Idiot +40 (idiot maxes a skill on own)
0 – Successful Idiot +50 (an idiot reaches the top of their career)
+20 = total points


So. Many. Birthdays.

Whew, real life keeps swiping me away from updating on my pixelated idiots. Last update found us wrapping up Jameson’s final term of university. He did smashingly well grade-wise, and is now headed back home to see his folks (Wynan & Brandy), his sister (Bailey), his twin boys (Manhattan & Martini), and his puppy (Moonshine).

Screenshot-2361Jameson’s ride home from uni dumps him off on the outskirts of town. I have him update his resume before heading to the house, though I’m not sure why since I rolled up “self-employed career” for him.

Screenshot-2362Back at the house itself, Wynan Spirits is making some food. Don’t burn down the house, bud.

Screenshot-2363Bailey & Brandy appear to be just chatting and not at each other’s throats for once.

Screenshot-2364Manny & Marty are chillin’ in their cribs.

Screenshot-2365Moonshine is checking out the food dish (good job, noncontrolled simmies, you fed the doggo!)

Screenshot-2366And of course we can’t forget Guinness the turtle.

Screenshot-2376Jameson got home in time to see his archenemy little sister age up to a young adult.

Screenshot-2380Ta-da! Possibly my favorite spare ever. I’m going to put her up for download. Let me know if you use her.. I’d love to see what she gets up to in other games! I’m happy to say she did indeed get a Criminal LTW, completely randomly.. I probably looked a fool all dancing around in my chair when that popped up for her. LOL (And with her random rolls, one generation of traits and LTWs is completely randomized, so… +10 points!)

Screenshot-2385And then there’s a bark from Moonshine. What’s up, pup?

Screenshot-2386Moonshine: Not much..Screenshot-2387Moonshine: …just totally stealing that human girl’s thunder. Ha!

Screenshot-2389And here we have a good look at Moonshine, at the moment when I realized that Moonshine is actually NOT the goodest good boy ever. She is actually the goodest good GIRL. *facepalm* Sorry for mistaking you during your entire puppy stage, Moonshine.

Screenshot-2392Brandy: “Hey Jamie, kid’s crying.”
Jameson: “I know. I’ll get him next, I’ve only got one set of arms.”

Screenshot-2393And then Brandy scolded Moonshine for.. existing, as far as I could see.

Screenshot-2394My thoughts exactly, Moonshine. Worry not, I’ll be moving her out with Bailey when she goes.

Screenshot-2395Wynan: “Hey Jamie, Martini is–”
Bailey: “Bro, brat’s crying.”
Jamie: “Yes. I am aware. Working on it now.”

Screenshot-2401And with the twins both fed and it being their birthday, a couple cakes are bought and everyone gathers around. Manhattan goes first, naturally.

Screenshot-2405And.. never have I seen a toddler boy look more obviously like his mom. Total cutie though.

Screenshot-2408Everyone: “Jamie, kid’s crying!”
Jameson: “Oh my god, I see three other sets of EMPTY arms who could deal with it right now. Otherwise, let Martini have his birthday and I’ll get to it.”

Screenshot-2410Marty ages up and.. I apparently didn’t take a good post-age-up pic.

Screenshot-2411Oh yes. Because I had to be the one changing Manny’s diaper. On the flip side… that lip! Oh my word.. that pixelated pouty face. *swoon*

Screenshot-2417I tried to get a shot with both of them looking, and smiling. This was about as close as I could get.

Screenshot-2429They were both very Over It regarding birthday pictures. LOL

Screenshot-2433Rest assured that Martini IS a cutie. He looks to have Wynan’s hair color and his mom’s eye color, and I’m undecided on whose features.

Screenshot-2437And Manhattan’s smushy face still just slays me. He’s definitely mostly his mom, though I think that’s grandpa Wynan’s eye color.

Screenshot-2440Jamie: Goodnight boys, sleep tight.

Screenshot-2443Goodness knows daddy needs the rest.

Screenshot-2447The animals of the house head to sleep too.

Screenshot-2448Bailey: “Well I’m not gonna.”

Screenshot-2453Wynan worried me for a bit but he eventually climbed in bed beside Brandy.

Screenshot-2456Bailey throws a fit about not being able to look out the window because there’s that KID in the way. That kid is your nephew, and there are so many more windows. Including one in your own bedroom.

Screenshot-2458She finds another window to stare out of, still in the twins room, still avoiding bed despite complaining of exhaustion.

Screenshot-2459The sim gods were smiling down on me though and she did indeed make it to her bed (barely) before zonking out.. and so we end on this photo of every sim asleep in their own bed at the same time.

total – point worthy thing (bolded if it happened this chapter)
0 – For every game induced visit from a police officer, firefighter or babysitter -5
0 – Passing Out -5
-5 – Self-Wetting -5 (toddler too, if potty trained)
0 – Non-Skilled Toddler -5
-15 – Eat Spoiled Food -5
-10 – Set a Fire -5
0 – Skip Work/School -10
0 – Failing School -20
0 – Demotion -20
0 – Social Worker Visit -30
0 – Getting Fired -30
0 – Accidental Death -40
+20 – Every Birth/Adoption +5
+10 – Honor Roll +5 (once per life stage)
+15 – Friends for Idiots +5 (each friend an idiot makes)
+10 – Randomize every LTW & trait +10 (for a generation)
0 – Skilled Heir +10 (each skill the heir maxes)
0 – Successful Heir +20 (heir maxes career)
0 – Hands off the Spares HP +20 (for a generation)
0 – Every 100K simoleans +30
0 – Fulfilling LTW +40 (heir or idiot)
0 – Skilled Idiot +40 (idiot maxes a skill on own)
0 – Successful Idiot +50 (an idiot reaches the top of their career)
+25 = total points

(I’m enjoying the positive while I’ve got them. With the zillion kids Jameson is due to have, I’m not thinking it will stay this way.)

Wrapping Up University

Last time our heir had his first kid.. AND his second. Then had their mother skip out on them all. And so of course he skipped out on them too, to go to university. This chapter will be heavy on pictures and light on words. Partly because I went nuts with landscape screenies, partly because there’s only so much you can flesh out “hey look, he went to class”, and partly because this gameplay happened several months ago and I took no notes and am forgetful. I blame it on my non-pixel children. But for now… on to Jameson’s final year of university!

Screenshot-2258And in keeping with tradition, Jamie shows up in his long underwear again.

Screenshot-2260Look, Curacao’s still there! I claim that room super quick.

Screenshot-2261It’s the weekend, so I let Jamie accept the party invite. He plays a little beer pong with a dudebro in his boxers, as one does.

Screenshot-2262Then he heads outside to play for tips and is ignored by all, even a streaking Tammy.

Screenshot-2263There was no food at the party so I have him swing by Sonic when he’s done. Grab me a cheese tot and a vanilla Dr. Pepper, would ya Jamie?

Screenshot-2264And as the first flakes of snow fall, I see him upended in a dumpster wearing nothing but his swimsuit. Oh no you DON’T. Did you learn nothing from your father as a cautionary tale?

Screenshot-2265He and his stink trail head to class in the morning.

Screenshot-2266I realize the uni town is actually kinda picturesque.

Screenshot-2267I also realize his roommates are still blundering idiots.. but idiots that don’t show in my control panel, so I don’t count these points. Ha.

Screenshot-2269He has a full courseload this time around. More classes means more time for me to be bored and take scenery screenshots. (Screenery?)

Screenshot-2271Attempting to play for tips in the student building.

Screenshot-2273He jots off a love letter to someone back home when he gets to the dorm. Just writes it right through the keyboard.

Screenshot-2274Aww… look, he’s dreaming of his boys! Doin’ it all for his babies.

Screenshot-2276Ah. Snow. How novel. (Not really, it hasn’t stopped snowing for days.)

Screenshot-2278Snow won’t stop those artists from arting though.

Screenshot-2280More tip gathering. That bird’s gotta eat, ya know.

Screenshot-2282Not that he gets burnt out on playing. He whips out his guitar whenever I leave him be.

Screenshot-2284Using the few minutes between classes to send text to, well, everyone he knows so he can keep relationships up. This cracked me up because you can see the recipient getting his text right there. Like, he could have just SAID it to them. LOL

Screenshot-2285When you have art students, you don’t get normal snowmen.

Screenshot-2286Jamie’s amused anyway.

Screenshot-2287Screenshot-2288Screenshot-2289Screenshot-2290Screenshot-2291His final class always feels like it takes FOREVER. At least it’s pretty.

Screenshot-2292Blogging with Curacao.

Screenshot-2293Practicing charisma. I’m guessing his must be the Magic Tongue, Magic Fingers lifetime wish. Otherwise I hate leveling charisma so I generally don’t. LOL

Screenshot-2295Herbing up some pancakes. Bam.

Screenshot-2296More classes. More scenery.

Screenshot-2298What’s this? Precipitation, but NOT snow?

Screenshot-2300Woohoo, another party! A bonfire party that is woefully un-lit. Jamie helps.

Screenshot-2302That’s better.

Screenshot-2303Then he decides to streak, and I DIE laughing at his hair. Once I wipe the tears from my face, I see if I can change his hairstyle in stylist mode.

Screenshot-2304I can! It does take away his pixelation though, so he’s currently streaking all Ken-doll style.

Screenshot-2307Fear not though, his pixels come back (and the hairstyle stays) when I test it out in the shower at home.

Screenshot-2308Curacao: “zzzz.. gonna eat me the rest of that expensive food tomorrow..”
Jameson: “Can’t wait till I get this degree.”
Me neither. Maybe then you can afford that stupid bird’s food. I should have named him Kirby.

Screenshot-2309More classes.

Screenshot-2310More precipitation (does Seasons just mean it’s almost NEVER sunny?)

Screenshot-2311This is Ayana, one of his romantic interests from last year. He saw her being romantic with someone else, and apparently decided this was the perfect “out”.Screenshot-2312Jamie: “Ayana, how COULD you?”
Screenshot-2313Ayana: “Jamie! I didn’t.. uh.. I mean, I can ex–”

Screenshot-2314Jamie: “Don’t bother. I don’t want to hear it.”

Yeah, you look real torn up about it. I’m sure that’s convincing.

Jamie: “Oh yeah! I was supposed to still be hurt.”Screenshot-2316Jamie: *stomps foot and harrumphs*

Much better.Screenshot-2319Here’s a lecturer they’ve never had before. I’ve never seen Jamie pay so much attention in a lecture.

Screenshot-2322And then she got the crazy eyes. Run, Jamie, run!

Screenshot-2325Painting before another class.Screenshot-2326And more scenery during the class.Screenshot-2328Cardboard cutouts in a hot air balloon. Screenshot-2329I think this is my favorite.Screenshot-2330Ooooooh..Screenshot-2331Ahh, just a peek at the scenes from the campus entrance.Screenshot-2332
Well, not all the town can be picturesque. LOL Here’s what the dining hall at the dorm looks like.Screenshot-2334Doing a study on hands apparently. Not sure why he gazes out at the lake during this.

Screenshot-2335Playing some Simtendo with Tammy, a roomie.

Screenshot-2336More charisma.

Screenshot-2337Yes, feeling good about that exam.

Screenshot-2338Woot, that one too.Screenshot-2340It gets pretty dark while he’s in his third final.Screenshot-2341And he passes that one with flying colors as well.Screenshot-2345Unsurprisingly, his report card came back with fantastic marks and he’s off to graduation!

Screenshot-2347He invites his family.. and they oddly show up on bicycles, as does most of the town.

Screenshot-2348Seriously, it looks like the Tour de France out here, only without all the spandex.

Screenshot-2351Hey, good to see that university graduations are much like high school graduations – a gigantic cluster around one a building with one door.Screenshot-2355As the sun sets, the last person FINALLY is able to straggle into the ceremony.

Screenshot-2357And here’s our new graduate! Woot woot!

Screenshot-2358Jamie decides to introduce himself to someone who wonders why he would wait until everyone’s bags are packed and they’re ready to leave.

Screenshot-2360And then he heads back home to his boys…on his bike? (lol not really, a car eventually picked him up, but I thought he was just gonna bike all the way home. It was weird.)

Okay, next time we get to rejoin all our Spirits, so there should be enough idiocy to keep me from getting distracted by sunsets and stuff. Plus… babies! And a puppy! And so many birthdays. Also note: I’m currently working on a fun little (much shorter) challenge – a Genetic Roulette. My gameplay is mainly that save right now. Fear not though.. Jamie’s save file is played ahead so far that these current burrito babies are teens, so I’ve got plenty to go on if I just stick to posting it. 🙂