Wrapping Up University

Last time our heir had his first kid.. AND his second. Then had their mother skip out on them all. And so of course he skipped out on them too, to go to university. This chapter will be heavy on pictures and light on words. Partly because I went nuts with landscape screenies, partly because there’s only so much you can flesh out “hey look, he went to class”, and partly because this gameplay happened several months ago and I took no notes and am forgetful. I blame it on my non-pixel children. But for now… on to Jameson’s final year of university!

Screenshot-2258And in keeping with tradition, Jamie shows up in his long underwear again.

Screenshot-2260Look, Curacao’s still there! I claim that room super quick.

Screenshot-2261It’s the weekend, so I let Jamie accept the party invite. He plays a little beer pong with a dudebro in his boxers, as one does.

Screenshot-2262Then he heads outside to play for tips and is ignored by all, even a streaking Tammy.

Screenshot-2263There was no food at the party so I have him swing by Sonic when he’s done. Grab me a cheese tot and a vanilla Dr. Pepper, would ya Jamie?

Screenshot-2264And as the first flakes of snow fall, I see him upended in a dumpster wearing nothing but his swimsuit. Oh no you DON’T. Did you learn nothing from your father as a cautionary tale?

Screenshot-2265He and his stink trail head to class in the morning.

Screenshot-2266I realize the uni town is actually kinda picturesque.

Screenshot-2267I also realize his roommates are still blundering idiots.. but idiots that don’t show in my control panel, so I don’t count these points. Ha.

Screenshot-2269He has a full courseload this time around. More classes means more time for me to be bored and take scenery screenshots. (Screenery?)

Screenshot-2271Attempting to play for tips in the student building.

Screenshot-2273He jots off a love letter to someone back home when he gets to the dorm. Just writes it right through the keyboard.

Screenshot-2274Aww… look, he’s dreaming of his boys! Doin’ it all for his babies.

Screenshot-2276Ah. Snow. How novel. (Not really, it hasn’t stopped snowing for days.)

Screenshot-2278Snow won’t stop those artists from arting though.

Screenshot-2280More tip gathering. That bird’s gotta eat, ya know.

Screenshot-2282Not that he gets burnt out on playing. He whips out his guitar whenever I leave him be.

Screenshot-2284Using the few minutes between classes to send text to, well, everyone he knows so he can keep relationships up. This cracked me up because you can see the recipient getting his text right there. Like, he could have just SAID it to them. LOL

Screenshot-2285When you have art students, you don’t get normal snowmen.

Screenshot-2286Jamie’s amused anyway.

Screenshot-2287Screenshot-2288Screenshot-2289Screenshot-2290Screenshot-2291His final class always feels like it takes FOREVER. At least it’s pretty.

Screenshot-2292Blogging with Curacao.

Screenshot-2293Practicing charisma. I’m guessing his must be the Magic Tongue, Magic Fingers lifetime wish. Otherwise I hate leveling charisma so I generally don’t. LOL

Screenshot-2295Herbing up some pancakes. Bam.

Screenshot-2296More classes. More scenery.

Screenshot-2298What’s this? Precipitation, but NOT snow?

Screenshot-2300Woohoo, another party! A bonfire party that is woefully un-lit. Jamie helps.

Screenshot-2302That’s better.

Screenshot-2303Then he decides to streak, and I DIE laughing at his hair. Once I wipe the tears from my face, I see if I can change his hairstyle in stylist mode.

Screenshot-2304I can! It does take away his pixelation though, so he’s currently streaking all Ken-doll style.

Screenshot-2307Fear not though, his pixels come back (and the hairstyle stays) when I test it out in the shower at home.

Screenshot-2308Curacao: “zzzz.. gonna eat me the rest of that expensive food tomorrow..”
Jameson: “Can’t wait till I get this degree.”
Me neither. Maybe then you can afford that stupid bird’s food. I should have named him Kirby.

Screenshot-2309More classes.

Screenshot-2310More precipitation (does Seasons just mean it’s almost NEVER sunny?)

Screenshot-2311This is Ayana, one of his romantic interests from last year. He saw her being romantic with someone else, and apparently decided this was the perfect “out”.Screenshot-2312Jamie: “Ayana, how COULD you?”
Screenshot-2313Ayana: “Jamie! I didn’t.. uh.. I mean, I can ex–”

Screenshot-2314Jamie: “Don’t bother. I don’t want to hear it.”

Yeah, you look real torn up about it. I’m sure that’s convincing.

Jamie: “Oh yeah! I was supposed to still be hurt.”Screenshot-2316Jamie: *stomps foot and harrumphs*

Much better.Screenshot-2319Here’s a lecturer they’ve never had before. I’ve never seen Jamie pay so much attention in a lecture.

Screenshot-2322And then she got the crazy eyes. Run, Jamie, run!

Screenshot-2325Painting before another class.Screenshot-2326And more scenery during the class.Screenshot-2328Cardboard cutouts in a hot air balloon. Screenshot-2329I think this is my favorite.Screenshot-2330Ooooooh..Screenshot-2331Ahh, just a peek at the scenes from the campus entrance.Screenshot-2332
Well, not all the town can be picturesque. LOL Here’s what the dining hall at the dorm looks like.Screenshot-2334Doing a study on hands apparently. Not sure why he gazes out at the lake during this.

Screenshot-2335Playing some Simtendo with Tammy, a roomie.

Screenshot-2336More charisma.

Screenshot-2337Yes, feeling good about that exam.

Screenshot-2338Woot, that one too.Screenshot-2340It gets pretty dark while he’s in his third final.Screenshot-2341And he passes that one with flying colors as well.Screenshot-2345Unsurprisingly, his report card came back with fantastic marks and he’s off to graduation!

Screenshot-2347He invites his family.. and they oddly show up on bicycles, as does most of the town.

Screenshot-2348Seriously, it looks like the Tour de France out here, only without all the spandex.

Screenshot-2351Hey, good to see that university graduations are much like high school graduations – a gigantic cluster around one a building with one door.Screenshot-2355As the sun sets, the last person FINALLY is able to straggle into the ceremony.

Screenshot-2357And here’s our new graduate! Woot woot!

Screenshot-2358Jamie decides to introduce himself to someone who wonders why he would wait until everyone’s bags are packed and they’re ready to leave.

Screenshot-2360And then he heads back home to his boys…on his bike? (lol not really, a car eventually picked him up, but I thought he was just gonna bike all the way home. It was weird.)

Okay, next time we get to rejoin all our Spirits, so there should be enough idiocy to keep me from getting distracted by sunsets and stuff. Plus… babies! And a puppy! And so many birthdays. Also note: I’m currently working on a fun little (much shorter) challenge – a Genetic Roulette. My gameplay is mainly that save right now. Fear not though.. Jamie’s save file is played ahead so far that these current burrito babies are teens, so I’ve got plenty to go on if I just stick to posting it. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Wrapping Up University

  1. YAY Jamie managed to graduate! Great job Jamie! Did he remember to bring his bird home with him? I loved the Tour de France pic, that was too funny, and Brandi is in the background of everyone clustered around upset about something, too good. 🙂


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